Goodbye Best of Treasure Valley… Kinda

Goodbye Best of Treasure Valley… Kinda

*Some details discussed in this article have changed. You can find updated details for the Idaho’s Best Awards here

The title may come as a surprise, especially if you didn’t read my article about the Idaho Statesman from a couple of weeks ago.

We are currently in the process of retiring the name “Best of Treasure Valley™” (yes, we still own the trademark!) to avoid confusion with the Idaho Stateman’s unreliable contest of the same name.

Making Lemonade

I was honestly deflated after being on the receiving end of the Idaho Statesman’s antics. In truth, I was fully prepared to give it up and walk away.

However, after hearing your feedback on my Idaho Statesman article, I reversed course and was determined to make lemonade out of lemons.

The amount of support we received was unbelievable. You guys made it loud and clear… you loved how we ran Best of Treasure Valley™ and you want us to keep going. Several of you graciously offered alternative solutions to our dilemma, including new names we could use instead.

Even the single dissenting opinion we received was still supportive. He explained that although he preferred our method of running the contest, he was worried that too many of these awards could water down the value.

If you’re reading this my friend, don’t worry. All of us at Inbound Systems are determined to add more value to Idaho’s Best than offered by other awards contests, especially those those that take a year off from time to time! 🙂

To the Future!

The good news is, we’re not leaving you high and dry. Instead, we’re changing the name of our contest to… drum roll please… Idaho’s Best™!

We’re improving upon the successes of the Best of Treasure Valley™ and expanding it statewide.

Right on Time

Even with the name change, this year’s contest is on schedule!

The nomination period opens next week, so we’re busy updating our website and resources to reflect the new name. Stay tuned and check back often.

Going Regional

Not to worry. With Idaho’s Best™ we’re still keeping it local by dividing the state of Idaho into four regions:

  1. Treasure Valley
  2. Panhandle
  3. Magic Valley
  4. Eastern Idaho

Note that every business in Idaho will geographically fall into one of these regions.

Nominees will compete on a regional level. Then, the regional winners of each category will be compared to each other to determine who deserves the recognition for being the best statewide.

What’s Not Changing

Truly the Best

Our exclusive method utilized in determining Best of Treasure Valley™ companies is not changing.

We’re still using online reviews and rankings as well as votes to determine Idaho’s Best™.

We’re also still limiting the number of times a person can vote for their favorite company. New this year, voters will now need to confirm their registration before their vote is counted.

We believe the above will continue to set our contest apart from the other popularity contests you may be used to.

The Official Magazine

Last year our magazine garnered rave reviews across the board. It was distributed to affluent neighborhoods and local hotels. However, going statewide with our contest throws a twist in things!

So, we have plans to publish four unique magazines, one for each region. Within each issue, the statewide and regional winners and finalists will be announced in full-color. More details are forthcoming!

Our Celebration

The Awards Banquet we hosted last year was an incredible hit. If you didn’t hear, tickets sold out in just 80 minutes!

By going statewide, we anticipate the desire to attend the Awards Banquet to increase significantly.

So, yes, we will be hosting another one this year! And rest assured, we’re making it easier for twice as many finalists to attend.

Even so, if you’re a finalist, reserve your tickets as soon as they become available.

Thank You!

Putting on this contest is a monumental task. It takes a lot of money and working hours to get it off the ground.

That being said, our investment is only worth it because of you and your support.

So from all of us at Inbound Systems, THANK YOU!

We are as determined as ever to give you the value you deserve. We are as motivated as ever to making Idaho’s Best™ the gold standard of “best of” contests. We are as grateful as ever to have you on board with us.

Again, thank you.

Brodie Tyler

How the Idaho Statesman Screws Local Small Businesses

We know. We’re one of them! It all started back in the Summer of 2018…

As a local marketing and publishing company (Inbound Systems), we took a look at the Treasure Valley’s “best of” contests and thought something was lacking. Each one was basically a popularity contest and not necessarily indicative of who local residents thought was truly the best.

So, if your competitors had more employees than you, good luck! It’s easier for them to get more votes, regardless of how well they take care of their customers or not.

Online reviews, on the other hand, are much more difficult to fake and manipulate. Sure, it still happens, but it’s just not as easy, right?

This is why we decided to start a “best of” contest that incorporated online reviews and legitimate votes to determine the Treasure Valley’s best companies.

The Best of Treasure Valley Name

We searched high and low for just the right name for our contest. From the start, we debated between Best of Treasure Valley and another name. We even registered both domain names just in case.

Our favorite was Best of Treasure Valley because it incorporated the entire Boise Metro area. However, the Idaho Statesman had run their own contest under that name for several years before. But since we were in the second-half of 2018, and they hadn’t run their contest yet, we wondered if they gave up on it.

To find out, we called the Idaho Statesman on the phone and asked! Sure enough, they had abandoned the Best of Treasure Valley name after their 2017 contest. It turns out that they had been losing money on their contest and were not going to do it again.

With their reassurance, we registered the business name. The State of Idaho even awarded us the trademark. The Best of Treasure Valley name was ours.

The Most Successful Best of Treasure Valley Contest Yet

From the get-go our Best of Treasure Valley contest was a hit. It garnered over 100,000 legitimate votes. It incorporated online reviews so that only the Treasure Valley’s best companies would rise to the top. In the eyes of local residents (and not just employees), it revealed the truly best companies offered by the Treasure Valley. The Awards Banquet was the hottest ticket in town and sold out in just 80 minutes. The first-class Best of Treasure Valley Magazine was distributed to more than just paper newspaper subscribers.

We could go on, but the credit should really go to the Treasure Valley community! We couldn’t have asked for better participation amongst local residents and businesses.

At the same time, we were confused as to why the Idaho Statesman abandoned such a worthwhile venture!

Not Everyone Was Happy

Sure, there were a handful of participants who preferred the Idaho Statesman’s contest over ours. It turns out, these companies tended to be vote manipulators, spamming our system with countless numbers of frivolous votes.

As an example, one contestant had votes coming in from the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer ([email protected]) and other despicable creeps. It turns out they had an in-house employee trying to spam our voting system. While the Idaho Statesman awarded these companies with wins in their contest, we disqualified them in ours.

Working with the Idaho Statesman

Rebecca Poynter, publisher for the Idaho Statesman, called me one day during our contest in November 2018. With her not-so-peachy personality, she wanted to ensure that we weren’t using language to imply that we were running their contest for them.

We complied with her requests, even in ways that seemed over-demanding on her part. But that’s okay, I thought. Boise is a small market and I didn’t want to step on any toes.

Our conversation then turned into how we can work together. In the end, we paid for an announcement in the Idaho Statesman print newspaper to be published immediately after we revealed our winners.

Quick Summary

I just want to quickly show where we are at this point…

  1. The Idaho Statesman didn’t run a 2018 contest.
  2. The Idaho Statesman told us they abandoned the Best of Treasure Valley name and contest.
  3. We registered the Best of Treasure Valley name.
  4. The State of Idaho awarded us the Best of Treasure Valley trademark.
  5. The Idaho Statesman took our money to print our Best of Treasure Valley announcement in their paper.
  6. Rebecca Poynter, the president of the Idaho Statesman personally approved our ad.

In a nutshell, we were upfront with the Statesman and they knew what was going on with our contest. Let’s see how they returned the favor.

Blatant Disregard

Fast forward to July 2019… Not to be confused with our contest, the Idaho Statesman started their own Best of Treasure Valley contest again.

No phone call.

No email.

No notice of any kind.

The least Rebecca could have done was given me a phone call like she did late last year. But should I really be surprised? She’s barely lived in Boise for a year and probably doesn’t understand our small-town atmosphere yet.

At best, the Statesman could have gone with the name “Reader’s Choice Awards” or something that doesn’t conflict with our contest. Now they’re calling their abandonment a “hiatus.”

Tell me Statesman, how does a hiatus not hurt your credibility?

How does this not cause confusion within our community?

How does this not screw us when we were so transparent and upfront with you?

How does it not screw the small businesses that were counting on your 2018 contest for promoting themselves?

Legal Options

Upon hearing of the disrespectful path taken by the Statesman, I immediately thought about our legal rights and how they were being infringed upon. After personally speaking with several specialized attorneys in this arena, it turns out I was right.

However, being right isn’t enough. Our attorneys also helped me to realize that we didn’t have enough money to fight the behemoth California corporation that owns the Idaho Statesman. (Our “local” paper isn’t even local any more!)

Even if we won in court, we would still lose overall. As much as I want to stick it to the Idaho Statesman based on principle, we’re not going to.

At the same time, it doesn’t make sense to have two Best of Treasure Valley contests. So Idaho Statesman, you win. The Best of Treasure Valley name is all yours.

An Olive Branch

If you can’t beat them, join them, right? I tried to do this too.

I emailed and called Rebecca Poynter several times over the last couple of weeks. My goal was to team up with the Idaho Statesman and package our successful contest for them to buy.

We’d show them how it really needs to be done. We’d show them how to offer better value to local businesses. We’d show them how to run a contest that rewards local residents and local companies with true winners. We’d show them how to host an awards banquet that would be the hottest ticket in town.

We’d show them how to do all the above, without losing money.

After all, we accomplished this our very first year while they failed at it even after several decades.

Eventually Rebecca did reply once with a curt response. Basically, she had everything figured out and wasn’t willing to admit that we could help them out.

This made me laugh out loud, actually. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know!

Case In Point: Their 2019 contest nominees are chosen by Idaho Statesman staff rather than Treasure Valley residents. I’m confused… Is it the Best of Treasure Valley or Best of Idaho Statesman??

Case In Point #2: The Statesman calls their contest the “gold standard of area ‘Best of’ contests.” Again, I’m confused… How can you be the gold standard if you take a year off??

The Future is Still Being Written

If you’ve ever rebranded a company, you understand how difficult and time-consuming it is. That is the choice we’re up against now.

Do we move on? Or do we run the contest under a different name?

Well, we’re in the middle of researching all our possibilities and consulting our contestants from last year. Stay tuned, as we will be making an announcement very shortly.

Why Did I Write This Article?

I realize my explanation/rant/announcement isn’t going to sit well with all people, especially those over at the Idaho Statesman.

At the same time, I feel we were very disrespected by them. We were amicable, but our transparency wasn’t reciprocated in the least. So, the first reason was to reveal what the Idaho Statesman did. I felt I needed to share my thoughts and opinions of their self-serving actions.

Most importantly, we have a very active and inquisitive following! I knew we would receive a lot of questions about why we weren’t running the Best of Treasure Valley contest any longer. I simply wanted to pre-empt those questions as a courtesy to our followers.

Third, we have a bright future and I wanted to share our optimism about it. Whether or not that includes running the true gold standard of “Best of” contests here in the Treasure Valley, only time will tell.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!

Brodie Tyler

Rocket Express Car Wash is Green and Clean

What’s the secret to a great car wash? My very first job was in a detail shop, so I thought I understood. After working with Rocket Express Car Wash owners Joe and Janet Russell, I’ve learned that the secret sauce isn’t magic soap or a spotless rinse — it’s people.

Don’t get me wrong; Rocket Express has all the special tools and toys that any auto aficionado could ever want. When you pull your car into that 240-foot conveyor, you’re about to be on the receiving end of the very best car-cleaning experience available anywhere.  But what stood out the most was not the neon lights, free vacuums, or free mat-cleaning machines, it was the people.

The Rocket Express Commitment

In fact, when I first spoke with Joe Russell, I asked him what made Rocket Express unique. He said, “We compensate our people well above others and we attract and retain exceptional people.” This is what impressed me about the Rocket team. They are committed to their team and their customers, and their team and customers are committed to them.

When I visited the Rocket Express Car Wash, located at Fairview and Cloverdale, the sense of loyalty from the staff was palpable. These exceptional people work diligently to deliver a great experience to each customer in the hopes that they will become a Rocket Express ambassador.

Co-founder Janet Russell, a marketing guru, also wears the hats of COO, HR rep, and trainer.  She expressed to me the importance of ecological responsibility in their operations.

Above the vacuum canopy sets is one of the largest solar panel arrays in the Treasure Valley, creating much of the Rocket’s energy needs.  “Rocket Express also reclaims the majority of the water used in its car washes, uses only earth-friendly products, and continually invests to improve sustainability”, Janet Russell said.

In the end, you might choose Rocket Express Car Wash because of the value, its commitment to the community, or simply because you’ll get an exceptionally clean, shiny, and dry car in four minutes or less. It might even be because they won the Best of Treasure Valley. Those are all valid reasons, but what will keep you going back is the overall experience provided by the people.


The fifth Rocket Express Mega Car Wash, second in the Treasure Valley, is currently under construction at the northwest corner of the intersection of Chinden Blvd. and Linder Road in Meridian.

Heritage Reflections: This is REAL Furniture

If you appreciate quality craftsmanship and interior design, then a visit to Heritage Reflections will be an experience you’ll never forget. It is completely different than most furniture stores. Heritage customers are getting American-made, quality hardwood furniture, made to order.

The showroom is so beautiful that people treat it like a Parade-of-Homes showcase, with hordes of smiling people visiting just to admire the store and its wares. Every room unveils a new treasure.

Co-owner Terri Anderson is the genius responsible for the design of the showroom, which gives off vibes of old-timey New England. I’ve even discovered that there are major companies with big marketing research budgets that send their people to Meridian to learn about interior design from Heritage Reflections.

But if you think custom-built hardwood furniture sounds expensive, you’ll be very surprised at just how reasonable it is to get handmade furniture. Heritage Reflections can go toe-to-toe with major furniture brands you’ll find in box stores.

heritage reflections furniture

How do they do it? Heritage Reflections works with about 100 Amish families in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Each family focuses their skill in one area, becoming expert in handcrafting tables, chairs, or bedroom furniture. Nearly all the furniture you see in the store comes from these specialized Amish craftsmen, and Heritage Reflections passes the savings along to the customer.

What I learned from Bob and Terri is that “Amish” is not a furniture style, it’s a quality of build. The Amish builder is set apart by motivation and dedication, rather than the profits gained from the labor.

When you visit the Heritage Reflections showroom, you’ll see a collection of unique, quality furniture that you won’t find anywhere else in the Treasure Valley. Choose from a variety of hardwoods and stains, as well as a plethora of design options, to get custom furniture exactly how you want it, built from scratch.

My father spent most of his waking hours building furniture. My childhood memories are full of sawdust and the smell of wood stain, and I gained an appreciation for quality craftsmanship as a result. As I reviewed the notes I made about Heritage Reflections, one line was scribbled prominently across the top of the page — “This is real furniture.”

Modern Dental – Not Your Old School Drill and Fill

Modern Dental

Many things seem better when you take time to do it the old fashioned way. But when it comes to dentistry, I very much prefer the latest and greatest that technology has to offer. The closer it is to Star-Trek, the better!

I’ve worked with Modern Dental (in east Boise) for years, so I can give them my endorsement. The atmosphere is warm and inviting while the tools and techniques used are cutting edge. Here are just a few reasons why you can trust your oral health with the Modern Dental team.

Dr. Wagner

Dr. Wagner

Dr. Wagner stays on top of the latest techniques in dental health. Not satisfied with the minimum requirements, he puts in far more hours in continuing education every year than he needs to. His advanced training in cosmetic dentistry, implants, and a few other specialized areas gives him the tools needed to provide top-notch care to patients.




Dr. Royce

Dr. Royce

As a professional, Dr. Royce lives by the mantra “attention to detail”. He will always put his patients’ needs first and foremost. He has specialized education that allows Modern Dental to use certain techniques in-house.





IV Sedation


Dental anxiety is a real struggle for many people. That’s why Modern Dental has multiple options to help patients stay calm and relaxed during treatment, including IV sedation. It’s the Goldilocks of sedation because patients are very relaxed but can still respond to instructions.



They Respect Your Time


Modern Dental takes pride in staying on schedule. If you wait more than 10 minutes past your appointment time, you’ll receive a gift certificate to a local business or restaurant.



Modern Dental Guarantee

Modern Dental

They stand behind their work. “Complete Care, Completely Guaranteed” means they stand 100% behind their treatment. Should anything happen to your dental work, in most cases Modern Dental will repair or replace it at no cost to you.

The Golden Rule

Treasure Valley Exteriors

2019 BoTV Winner – Best Home Remodeler, Best Contractor

When you need help with a home project, you don’t always know where to go. It needs to be done well and you want to get a fair price on it, too. This can be especially tricky with work you might not be familiar with, like roofing, windows, or installing solar panels. I think people are wary when looking for companies to work on their most important investments, and this often leads to a referral from someone they know that some guys that can hook you up.

But if the work isn’t done by licensed and insured professionals, you might actually be putting your home, your money, and your safety at risk. That’s why I’m here to tell you that I know some guys that can hook you up, and they are top-notch home renovators in the Treasure Valley.

Max and Kelly had been working on homes together for years, but they weren’t satisfied. The company they worked for was like so many others, attempting to squeeze every possible penny out of every job. Even worse, they weren’t nice. The guys in charge weren’t nice to their customers; they weren’t even nice to their employees. Max and Kelly brought their heads together with one thought — “We could do this better ourselves.”

Treasure Valley Exteriors is Boise’s Best

And so they did. Treasure Valley Exteriors was founded by Max and Kelly in 2011 and in a few short years, they have seen tremendous success. They are the Treasure Valley’s source of home improvement value. They’ve had this success by establishing trust, doing quality work, and being nice.

I can say from personal experience that Max is right when he says that treating people well is their secret to success. He says, “It comes down to that first interaction. I’m creating a friendship with somebody and thinking, ‘I frickin’ like this guy.’”

For homeowners that want to feel more confident when choosing a contractor, Kelly recommends getting a second opinion. “It’s the people that don’t get a second opinion that get hosed,” he explained. Treasure Valley Exteriors is happy to give you a second opinion on your roofing, siding, and just about any type of exterior renovation your home needs.

But even if you’re going to them just for a second opinion, I’m pretty sure Treasure Valley Exteriors will become your first choice.

Whatever it Takes – A Real Life Comeback Story

Like millions of Americans, Bret Adams suffered due to significant back pain. And just like many of them, he had been down the medical rabbit hole, going through many doctors and physical therapists with no success. Their collective prognosis? “We’re sorry. You’re broken and there’s nothing we can do.”

Not satisfied with that response, the young accounting major changed courses to pursue physical therapy. He thought, “That can’t be the end of it. A musculoskeletal problem like this should be treatable with the right musculoskeletal approach.”

Bret understood a fundamental truth about the human body. His best chance to defeat chronic back pain was to set his body up to heal itself, and he was going to learn how to make that happen.

Years later, Bret Adams (PT, MPT, ATC, CSCS) shares his hard-won knowledge and finely tuned technique in his practice, Idaho Spine and Sports Physical Therapy (ISSPT). His troop of highly trained therapists operates out of three locations in the Treasure Valley.

I found a comrade in Bret Adams. Like him, I was a strength athlete whose path was altered by a significant back injury. I’ve also been through a quagmire of medical intervention that has only been minimally effective. I can describe Bret and the ISSPT team with one word: precision.

Precision is what makes a great physical therapist. The ISSPT team believes you should be perfect at what you do. Their ability to accurately diagnose an injury and follow through with hands-on techniques can give your body the re-education it needs to heal itself.

The skill of ISSPT has led to a tremendous success rate. Of patients that stick with their treatment plans, more than 9 of 10 are successful in treatment.

Whether it’s chronic pain or an acute injury affecting your life, Bret recommends seeing a therapist early. Most people wait far too long before seeking help.

A Reason to Swipe Right

You know… the dating app where if you like what you see, you swipe right? I’ve long compared real estate to online dating. Are those pictures real and recent? Does the description on the profile reflect reality? Am I about to meet a crazy person? Will I have regrets tomorrow?

The real estate market often feels like the Wild West, and I thought that’s just the way it was. Brokers often see their clients and customers as a number rather than people who are likely making the biggest purchase of their lives.

Outdated technology, bad photography, and rolling the dice on getting a decent real estate agent have all been accepted as normal. Even more than most businesses, real estate is an industry that leans heavily on the character of the people involved. When Nick Schlekeway formed the Boise real estate agency Amherst Madison in 2013, he wanted to do things differently.

The culture of any company starts at the top. If you know Nick and the values he holds, you’ll know what to expect from Amherst Madison. He’s a forward thinker who expects the best from himself, and the 70+ agents at his brokerage aim for the same standard.

Founder of Amherst Madison – Nick Schlekeway

At a glance, Nick is one of those high achievers who seem too good to be true, but I can attest that he is the real deal. We are the same age and attended the same high school and college, so I’ve been Nick-adjacent for around 20 years. He was a star athlete, valedictorian, and Hall of Famer in high school. In college he was an Academic All-American who graduated with honors, First Team All Conference selection, and a team captain the season Boise State won the famous 2007 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. If you’re still not impressed, he was a top-notch Boise firefighter for several years, completed a master’s degree at Georgetown, and started a very successful company in competitive niche.

Oh, and he’s nice.

Despite his success, what makes Nick and his brokerage an inspiration is the focus on other people. To that point, the agency isn’t named after the founder, but after a brother-and-sister pair he knew who battled cancer and won. Their ability to persevere inspired him, and when it came time to put a name on the company’s founding documents, the team believed their names deserved the honor. So if you’re in the market for a new real estate agency, skip the online dating period and meet the Amherst Madison team in person. The pictures are real.

~Matthew Biss

Amherst Madison Boise

Amherst Madison is a client-centric brokerage that focuses on community involvement and building relationships. Customers appreciate the updated, cloud-based technology the firm uses, with standards of quality in photography and listings that won’t be found anywhere else in Idaho. The agents operate with the belief that clients deserve more from their realtor, realtors deserve more from their brokerage, and the community deserves more from us all.

Best of Treasure Valley 2019 Winners Announced


Meridian, ID — The Best of Treasure Valley™ introduces a new way of identifying and recognizing the best businesses in the community. Using a combination of online reviews and community votes, winners were determined across nine categories and 184 subcategories. In all, 104,210 votes were cast during the voting round by Treasure Valley residents.

Local businesses and attractions were nominated last fall, and the top 10 nominees in each subcategory moved on to the voting round in October. In addition to votes, online reviews from Google, Yelp, and Facebook were included in scoring. Overall ratings and the number of 5-star reviews from the previous 12 months helped determine the winners. Details about scoring can be found on our FAQ page.

The winners were announced at the Best of Treasure Valley Awards Banquet, held on December 4th, 2018, at the Zion’s Bank Ballroom. They will also be featured in the Best of Treasure Valley Magazine™ that is scheduled for publication this month. A complete list of all finalists and winners of each category can be found here.

The Best of Treasure Valley™ would like to thank the following local businesses for their support: Rocket Express Car Wash, winner of Best Car Wash; Paramount Childcare & Early Learning Center, winner of Best Child Care; Anesthesia Associates of Boise, a finalist for Best Specialty Doctor; and RevenueJump, an online review and referral software company.


Best of Treasure Valley™ is an awards contest that is owned and operated by Inbound Systems.

Best of Treasure Valley Votes Are In!


Big news, everyone! Ballots for the 2019 Best of Treasure Valley Awards are in, and it looks to be a phenomenal success.

The businesses and attractions that were up for voting in their respective categories were nominated by Treasure Valley residents in August and September. Those that received enough nominations to land in the top 10 earned their spots on the ballot.

A total of 104,210 votes were cast to show support for your favorite businesses and attractions in our community. We were overwhelmed with the enthusiastic response and can’t wait to share the finalists of each category.

What Happens Now

We want the Best of Treasure Valley to be as fair as possible, so our team is working hard to calculate the results and verify the findings. The BoTV uses a scoring system that relies on a combination of online votes, online ratings, and online reviews from Google, Yelp, and Facebook.

Count Ballots
Who had the most votes? While technology makes counting easy, we still need to verify the results. Other contests may allow spamming or daily voting. For optimal results, we’re only counting unique votes for each subcategory.

Count Reviews
The BoTV isn’t like most “Best of” contests, which simply count votes. We realize that the community has already been showing their support for the best by leaving reviews all year long, so we’re going to count those too! We’re counting every 5-star review published on Google, Yelp, and Facebook within the last 12 months.

Calculate Rating
Overall ratings on Google, Yelp, and Facebook also tell us how nominees have served their customers over the last year. The mean rating from these platforms will be used in conjunction with 5-star reviews and votes to determine the winners.

Announce Finalists
The top 3 of each subcategory will be publicly announced next week once we’ve verified our results. Finalists will also be notified by letter and email as soon as possible.

Announce Winners
Winners will be announced at the Best of Treasure Valley Awards Banquet, on December 4th, 2018. Finalists will be invited to purchase tickets for the celebration, with Jeffrey Paul and Austin Von Johnson, of Open World Comedy, hosting the show. The banquet includes a red carpet entrance, a fancy dinner, and photos, as well as other special prizes and opportunities.

Thank You

We’re grateful to everyone for the support and participation in the Best of Treasure Valley Awards. It’s been a lot of fun, and we’re already looking forward to next year’s contest!